Tuesday, September 29, 2009


it is pretty common for me to hear someone refer to another person or situation as 'hopeless' and i don't think they understand the severity of the word. the word itself means - having no expectation of good or success; despairing - incapable of redemption or improvement.
i do not think that there is anything or anyone in this world that is incapable of redemption or improvement. people just have to be willing put in the work and effort to improve a situation. people also have to be willing to put in the time, effort and energy that it takes to improve and make changes within themselves. all people are capable of change and improvement, they just have to want it enough themselves.
you can take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink. stop wasting time trying to get someone to change, they have to want to change for themselves. that does not mean they are hopeless, they are just not ready.

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