i like to randomly type in the name that people that i know on google images and see if anything interesting pictures come up or just how many other people share their name that do not look like them at all. i realized that i had never typed in the names of either of my parents. the picture of my dad that came up was one that was expected - something l.a.p.d related, but the one that came up of my mom was interesting. it was her senior portrait. the reason why it was the first one that came up in the search is because she was on the committee for her high school reunion and on the site, there are high school pictures of the people on the website. and here it is...my mom was a dime, even rocking the curly fro. this woman is the reason why i am breathing [literally and figuratively] and i love her so much. she makes me a better person.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
does anything in life truly last forever?
that is a question that i have been asking myself regularly over the past year or so.
it seems like over time, everything seems to fade away or disintegrate entirely. examples of that are things as simple as the color of our hair changing with old age to friendships from our childhood that we thought would last forever merely lasting from kindergarten to 8th grade graduation, and then maybe a year or so after that. most of the couples that i know who are older, and by older i mean over the age of 45 have been married more than once or have had more than one serious life partner. after looking at that, along with the statistics of divorce, it makes me wonder if anything in life can truly last forever, specifically the love that one person can have for another on a level that is deeper that is more than just being friends...on a level where you have found your soulmate.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
the month is really flying by, but i am okay with that.
so usually, when i try to search for shows or performances that i would loke to see, none of the artists that really spark my interest or attention are playing in my area. until yesterday, and i found these four great performances...
so at this point, i am pretty sure my parents have some of the best music taste known to man. my dad introduced me to seal in grammar school and i have been hooked ever since. i have never heard a voice like his and it is breathtaking. he is timeless. there is something so attractive about him. and i also love that he is married to heidi klum and has these beautiful children. one of my favorite's by seal is 'lost my faith'.
bloc party
it is rare to find an album that you can play in its entirety without skipping or even having the urge to skip over a song. if you haven't found an album like that, listen to bloc party. i think i found them at the beginning of high school. they are getting a bit more mainstream, but i do not think they get enough recognition either. check out 'this modern love' - it would be worth your time.
last but not least...
the killers
one of the most annoying things about music today is that a large chunk of it all sounds the same. the killers are the exception. they have this distinct sound and the originality is what makes me love them. in addition to that, their videos are mindblowing.
finding out about these artists in addition to a few others that i have chose not to profile pretty much made my week.
good day all.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
emotional rollerfuckingcoaster - that is what i would call the last 48 hours. wednesday, i found out that i have a d in math. this is like, beyond upsetting seeing as how i spend countless hours every week doing math homework, studyuing, going to tutoring, consukting with my professor and really just going that extra mile. i cannot seem to do well on these exams. for all of those that know how santa clara works, every class has a prerequisite, or that is at least how it seems. so in order for me to take psych 40, i have to take math 6. this is my second time taking this class so i do not know what i am doing wrong or what else i can do to maximize my efforts and do any better than how i am doing right now [dip on the rollercoaster]. originally, i thought that i might have to take math 6 a third time [rollercoaster going upside down], and the thought of that was laughable because that would mean that i would be spending the equivalent of a full academic year in a class that is supposed to be about a quarter long. i was then informed by my academic advisor that as long as i receive a 60%, i can move on to psych 40 [a little bumpy] although i do not want a 60% for a class that i have been busting my ass in.
today, i had a group project. group projects are bullshit because no one ever does everything they are supposed to do and someone always falls short. so i was shitting bricks until about 20 minutes before class when everything seemed to come together. then i got a package from my mom with an unexpected note and gift. somehow, getting something from my mom made everything better [the fun part of the rollercoaster]. i am just really looking forward to the weekend, the next 2 weeks flying by, marilena coming to see me & driving home together.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
3.03.09 part 2
i have to say i normally am not a fan of when people remake songs. i find that i am typically disappointed, and this is another exception. cyndi lauper does not have anything on cassandra wilson's time after time. check it out...
i have always had a thing for lenny kravitz. his voice makes me melt and something about him is so attractive - with or without the dreads. his rendition of this song is absolutely fabulous, so follow the link & you will thank me later.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
first off, i cannot believe that it is already march. thankfully, there are less than 3 weeks until i go home for spring break. i miss l.a. & i am pretty sure l.a. misses me...
anyhow, i have a thousand things on my mind, but let's start off with the good ones: the jamie foxx cd is a must have, i have been listening to it every single day since i got it...the same applies for adele's album titled 19. i also bought this really cool book from urban outfitters & anyone that knows me knows how much i enjoy reading, but this book is the total opposite of that, it is titled 'all about me' and it is the story of your life. it poses so many questions that run through my mind daily yet at the same time, it poses questions or inquires about topics that i would normally avoid discussing. i would definitely recommend going to www.philippkeel.com
you will thank me later - trust me
so this isn't really bad, it just isn't as nice or positive but it is real. i think it is important to practice what you preach. i try my best to do that daily and i think it would be wonderful if everyone could at least attempt to do the same. so if you think my blog entries start to sound like church sermons but i am just talking the talk and not walking the walk, let me know.
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